Clean Jobs for PA Hails PA's Entry Into RGGI
"This is a day so many Pennsylvanians have been waiting for. For those of us concerned about clean air, a healthier planet, and the opportunity to pursue 21st century clean energy jobs, today’s news that the Legislative Reference Bureau has published rulemaking for Pennsylvania to join RGGI is worthy of celebration.
As the fourth-largest greenhouse gas emitting state in the country, RGGI will finally allow Pennsylvania to take positive action to protect the health of our citizens, especially our children. RGGI will incentivize renewable and carbon-free energy production, including nuclear power, and will introduce a positive, market-based policy to improve the quality of our air. There is simply nothing more important to our health than the very air we breathe.
RGGI is not just about improving the health of Pennsylvania’s environment and stimulating economic growth, it also provides an unparalleled opportunity to direct funds specifically to workers and communities experiencing impacts from the move to cleaner sources of electric generation.
So, we thank Governor Tom Wolf, PA DEP Secretary Patrick McDonnell, and the many lawmakers who stood firm and pushed back against repeated attempts to derail this process despite poll after poll showing this is what the great majority of Pennsylvanians wanted."
Clean Jobs for Pennsylvania
Steve Aaron
(717) 554-8614
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