The Sentinel: RGGI a must for Pennsylvania
by Joel Hicks
Published August 30, 2021
PermalinkThe recent UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report released this month provides the latest five-year assessment on the human contributions to global climate change. Their findings show that “Global surface temperature will continue to increase until at least the mid-century under all emissions scenarios considered. Global warming of 1.5°C and 2°C will be exceeded during the 21st century unless deep reductions in CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions occur in the coming decades.”
Philadelphia Inquirer: Pa. needs help on climate change. RGGI is one solution.
In other states, many electric bills have actually gone down since joining this program.
by Derek Green
Published May 5, 2021
PermalinkPennsylvania is on the edge of new innovations in how we address climate change. For far too long, we have lagged behind neighboring states who have entered into the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). Now, after over a year of listening to stakeholders and policy experts, the state Department of Environmental Protection is about to release its final rule that would allow our Commonwealth to participate in this successful interstate program. I urge all Pennsylvanians to support our entrance into RGGI so that our communities can finally reap the health and economic benefits that this initiative has to offer.
The Morning Call: Your View: Regional greenhouse gas program a winner for Pa.
Published August 2, 2020
“Lawmakers in Pennsylvania have a real opportunity to combat the looming public health crisis of our generation, climate change, while rebuilding a stronger economy in the wake of COVID-19. Linking to the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, a flexible and proven cap-and-invest program that allows member states to reduce carbon emissions from the electric power sector, is a simple, cost-effective way to achieve that objective.” -
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Combat and protect
Published July 22, 2020
“If Pennsylvania participates as well, the state could see hundreds of millions of dollars in proceeds from the program every year, spurring job growth and boosting the economic recovery we’ll need after the pandemic.” -
Penn Live: Dirty Air Is Killing People In Pennsylvania, And We Must Do Something About It
Published February 12, 2020
“The report outlines a number of steps that policymakers can take to improve our air quality and protect our health. One of those steps is to ensure that Pennsylvania follows through on a commitment to join the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), which will reduce fossil fuel emissions from electricity generation.”