What the experts say

  • "RGGI is a proven approach to addressing climate change." -Joseph Otis Minott, Clean Air Council [LINK]

  • "An Acadia Institute study showed RGGI states collectively reduced emissions by 47% in the last decade, outpacing the rest of the U.S. by 90%. Electricity prices dropped by 5.7% in RGGI states as they went up by 8.6% throughout the rest of the country, while GDP grew by 47% in RGGI states. - Lehigh Valley Business [LINK]
  • "an Environmental Defense Fund model found that RGGI could help lower the state’s carbon footprint by 35 percent while providing over $200 million in net savings."- Mandy Warner [LINK]

  • "Pennsylvania’s participation in [the greenhouse gas initiative] has the potential to be the most meaningful step in reducing climate pollution that the Commonwealth has ever taken, and not a moment too soon." - Sierra Club [LINK]